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2009-11-29 03:26:00

David Platford 的牆


Mu-Lang Huang
Hi,How are you?,We were once classmate at AAU our teacher Mr.Zhaoming Wu in 2004.While you have invited me to go downstaires to visit your studio,do you remember?I was so envyed and admire you.Now almost six years has gone........
I just came back from Dunhuang Grottoes desert at last month,enclosed herewith my picture.
相片人物: Mu-Lang Huang (相片 | 刪除標籤)
黃木郎 於2009年九月初懷著勇氣與毅力造訪心儀很久的[ 莫高窟],並榮幸獲得莫高窟博物院院長的盛情接待.上貼照片與對話是我傳給美國名藝術家:David Platford在FaceBook 上互連,他回傳給我的資訊.
David Platford 是我在舊金山藝術大學碩士班藝術系的同學,他的油畫作品曾展與各大美術館,他於年前曾旅遊非洲及世界以藝術親近兒童而享譽.
David Platford 的來信:

Dave PlatfordMu Lang Huang! nice photo of you on the camel.. I was in China in July but I didn't go to the desert area.. congratulations on your art adventures... I am now teaching art in a high school in oakland... good luck to you

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