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2014-12-06 05:18:10


23小時· 2014年11 月1日facebook


上個月我婉辭了這個展覽的大好機會,紐約法拉聖市政廳Flushing Town Hall 邀請我在明年的二月畫作個展(前因是2002年我經紐約好友Dr.Chou的推薦下曾經在那裏展覽過) 前天我也婉辭了今年12月在韓國首爾的個展,這個機會是我以前在舊金山求學時我的韓國同學Mr.Juno 現在他是首爾藝術中心的館長,經過他的熱誠推薦我到首爾最學術區的著名美術博物館BAK-AK Museum 做專題黃木郎個展.兩地的展覽都在結冰的年尾和年初.



Mu-Lang /黃木郎


Dear Juno:

Last month, my son told me that his wife will give birth a baby in near February, And his company business will be very busy at end of the year. So he could not accompany me to Korea for my exhibition.Not only that my eldest daughter Cheng-Cheng who have to go to New York to look after her children at that time, Therefore, I need to be alone to deal with all by myself.

In Seoul on December 18 it shall be snowing,the cold, coupled with the difficulties of the elderly diet of me.I worry more difficult problems will arise, However, I can not to put you to a lot of trouble.

I know that you have tried hard for help my exhibition into BAK-AK Museum

You are great kindness which is etched forever in my heart.I give up this opportunity makes your disappointed, I am deeply to say sorry to you.

Seriously though, I felt oneself old creeps on , Just on few days ago, I also declined an invitation to Flushing Town Hall New York, for my art exhibition in 2015 Feb. For health issues for aging of the age I need to consider do not go abroad to long tiring flight. This is what I have to cope with grief.

Fortunately,Friendship is the best way to warm my heart,It’s so wonderful to have friends like you.

Sincerely yours,



李景泉陳石林池雪嬿以及其他 9 人都說讚。

  • Jenny Huang老爸人生莫過此,你已經很厲害啦!所以平平淡淡才是過真人生啦。
  • Weivid Wu爺爺,看了您的心情,我能明白這樣的無奈,但我也相信,您最渴望與期待的,是生活中最幸褔的親情之愛,也是最無價的大愛了!
    大師,您好棒的,just go ahead!

    黃木謝謝Weivid Wu,如此親情的安慰和鼓勵,俗話說[老人像小孩] 你的這番情意我感覺像小孩在適時的時候抓到了你的溫暖的手, 正如你說[找尋生活中的微妙靈感後,繪製出更難得的佳作]是的,我會更努力,非常謝謝!

    Ingrid LeeUse skype or a Google Hangout with your overseas exhibitions...we cannot always travel everywhere...I have done this before with overseas exhibitions. I wish you well.

    Ingrid 小姐是來自澳洲的油畫藝術家Melbourne, Victoria, Australia和她的學生們.

    黃木Dear Miss Ingrid:Thank you for your friendly guide, on the convenient internet website it was indeed a good way. However, in painting Exchange now and then, I hope often to get your encouragement

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