相簿名稱:林瑛哲 精彩風華

相簿敘述:林瑛哲 精彩風華




《詩性與浪漫-老牆前的雀鳥》水彩 全K 〔高雄鳳山地方法院典藏〕
《詩性與浪漫-老牆前的雀鳥》水彩 全K 〔高雄鳳山地方法院永久典藏〕 描述澎湖閩南式建築之美,雀鳥歡欣的舞動傳情,形成午後的抒情氣韻。老牆被陽光照得煥然,在典雅中帶有華麗的感受。老舊而平凡的石壁在作者的色彩遊戲中,巧妙設色創造主觀色彩,將平凡幻化成寶石一般的璀璨,閃動著陽光灑落的耀眼。時光駐足在窗櫺上紅色的花磚,心曠神怡的感受被凍結。銅鈴花朵和藤蔓,傳達與雀鳥一同唱和的意涵,雀鳥嬉戲鳴唱與花卉相映成趣,充滿節奏音符,右下方的風車木頭鳥,意涵著人文與自然的和諧。Poetic and romantic, birds in front the old wall. To describe the beauty of the old building of the Penghu Minnan culture, the joy of birds dancing, teaser afternoon lyrical artistically. Taiwanese-style buildings baths in the Penghu’s afternoon sunlight, reflect the elegant with gorgeous sensation. old and ordinary rock walls , under painter’s smart color- playing and creative arrangement, transformed into extraordinary and diamond alike brightness, shinning under the sun. Time seems stoped in the red window lattice, the sense of relaxation frozen in the time. flowers and vines revealed the feeling of singing with birds. They dance from side to side. The rhythm and the music, formed a beautiful nature concert in the sunny afternoon. On the right bottom of the picture, windmill and wood bird, bringing the feeling of harmony between man-made and nature.
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