
我開增這個部落格主要是介紹我的創意耳環,本人從小就喜愛畫畫;做小手工.捏造;整合.音樂也是我的喜愛.成長後,開始加強音樂的造詣.及到台灣工作,接觸油畫.便正式再次深造學習.先後跟不同的老師學藝.但畫畫是一條不容易走的路.把捏造.整合.小手工拿出來吧!這便是現在的我了.請各位藝術家多多指教I drive by this blog is about my creative earrings, I loved painting since childhood; a small hand. Fabrications; integration. Music is my favorite. Grow up, began to strengthen the musical attainments. And to work in Taiwan, contact painting. then again, the official post-graduate study. has apprenticeship with different teachers. But painting is a not easy to take. the fabrication. integration. Small hand out come! This is me now. please a lot of artists advice




Iwill be the piano, basic music theory, African drums. Sketch. Other material painting. Children taught by other paintings




Once creative works painting class sketching class. Figures and acrylic painting, a number of works. Now special earrings and creative earrings making and teaching subject.

要找尋更多資料及商品請至全球華人藝術網商店街或臉書(MAYYEE LOSA LAM)

To find out more information and goods to the global Chinese Arts Network Store Street or face book (MAYYEE LOSA LAM)




姓名 出生年 類別 單位價格 計價單位
林美儀 2010 珠寶類 100~~700 件及組Pieces
珠寶類 100~~350 件及組Pieces
素描類 1000~~1500 張Page
水彩類 1000~~3500 張Page
時尚精品 100~~3800 每對
手工藝 1200~~7500
時間 類別 紀事
2012/07 活動 現重新開班,主要教受創意耳環掐造與衣服搭配.
2001/09 聯展 在香港南丫島南區特色餐廳與其他畫家聯名展. South Lamma Island in Hong Kong, the restaurant features a joint exhibition with other artists.
2000/07 個展 在台灣台北市中西美食餐廳個展三個月,那些壓克力畫是紐西蘭上課時的作品(出售了一張作品)Chinese and Western cuisine restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan exhibition for three months, acrylic paintings of New Zealand who work in class (the sale of a work)
1999/11 事蹟 我在紐西蘭的奧克蘭以德文港北岸地區出售一張油畫。我的油畫是“冰百合”I sell my painting to the Devon port north Shore area in the Auckland New Zealand. My painting is"Ices Lily"
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