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書畫收藏.....投資 painting and calligraphy collects imperial
2012-05-05 04:53:34


 書畫收藏,圈內人所關注的投資項目,現在已成為一個大眾話題,甚至開始影響整個中國投資市場的格局。去年,樓市調控、股市低迷,書畫市場卻大放異彩,備受關注。而對於廣大投資者來說,只有購買到精品之作  才會保證自己的投資有好的回報,列出收藏家所關注的現當代書畫名家。

A collection on calligraphies and paintings is an investment which insiders are very interested in. Now it has become a public topic of conversation, and further influenced the style of investment market in China. Last year a control on real estate market was implemented. It made the stock market slump, but boomed the art market of calligraphy and painting. Thus, people are very much interested in this art market. For numerous investors, only when they purchase excellent works, their investments are guaranteed to have a god return. The following calligraphies and paintings created by the contemporary famous artist are very much interested by the collectors.


Following the economic development and the arrival of cultural consuming era in China, the population of art collectors is increasing. For the art collectors, their collections of calligraphies and paintings will bring them economic income and spiritual comfort. From a certain viewpoint, the investment on air collection is quite different from the investment on negotiable securities or real estate. That’s why people are very interested in the art collection. The art collection itself is a process of wealth accumulation. For an art collector, the unexpected returns from the collection which he pays a close attention to will be much more than the expected returns from the investment itself which he concentrates his attention on.


Focus on the characters when you select excellent works

廈門市美術館館長白磊曾經說過一句很經典的話:“十個優點不如一個特點。”對於收藏者而言,這句話非常重要。因為書畫收藏的關鍵,首先在於選擇優秀的書畫家。如果一幅書畫  沒有特點、缺乏個性、風格不明,那麼,就很難體現出  書畫家的典型藝術風格,也很難在藝術界和收藏界  引起廣泛的關注。

BAI Lei, the curator of Art Museum of Xiamen city, made a famous remark, “Ten merits are not so good as one character.” For a collector, his words are very important because the first important thing on collecting calligraphies or paintings is to select an excellent calligrapher or a painter. If a painting or a calligraphic painting lacks its character or personality, or doesn’t have its own style, it will be very difficult to show the art style of the painter or the calligraphic painter. It is very difficult to attract extensive attention in the artistic circles or the collection circles.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pEFLeGBdos  鑑賞家視頻

投資書畫以之獲利者和愛好書畫的收藏者。中國自古就有以經營書畫得利的人,當今投資書畫及愛好書畫收藏的人則更多,大多有一些書畫鑑藏知識,深研細究,喜愛書畫藝術,視藏品以獲“鑑寶”  買畫為裝點門面、風雅極、境界高,是支撐書畫市場成為主流,為繁榮書畫市場做出貢獻。

There are some people who earn profits through investment in calligraphies or paintings. There are also some art collectors who love calligraphies or paintings. In ancient China there were people who earned profits by doing calligraphy and painting business. Today there are more people who invest in calligraphies and paintings, or love collecting calligraphies and paintings. They have more or less knowledge on collecting and appraising calligraphies and paintings. They study them carefully, and love the art of calligraphy and painting. They regard the collections as gaining treasures, and the purchase of paintings as creating a good public impression. They regard calligraphy and painting asaliterary pursuit and a high cultural state which are the main streams to support and prosper the market of calligraphy and painting.



The art collectors of calligraphies and paintings understand the painting principles, and have the identification ability. They have an extremely high ability to appraise calligraphies and paintings. They also have elegant esthetic sense. On art collection, they are generous on spending money. It has been a good thing to buy a painting in the collection circles. The people who collect calligraphies or paintings have a high art state to appraise and collect them. They have a certain cultural level and economic power. They make a collection quietly, but their harvests are mental profits plus money. They are enlightened to see the unusual nature of TRUTH, VIRTUE and BEAUTY. They dedicate themselves to the business of calligraphy and painting. It is their merits. Chinese art of calligraphy and painting is the highest mental state which people pursuit. As the calligraphies and the paintings have profound meanings, delicate and wonderful brushstrokes and a high mental state, the collectors of them can become famous in the history, too.


書畫收藏,收藏的目的在於陶冶情操,而感悟其作品的藝術是審美的過程,中國古代文化博大精深,中國書畫凝聚了幾千年古代文化的結晶,如何從主題、景象、氣韻、筆墨、手法、構圖上審美、欣賞,是學習永無止境的課題,在專家的指導下  可以縮短學習、領悟的過程、書畫藝術品  有一份投資保值的功能。

The purpose of collecting calligraphies or paintings is to culture noble thoughts and feelings. Realizing the artistic value of the works is a process of developing an aesthetic sense. The ancient Chinese culture is great and profound. Chinese calligraphy and painting are the crystals of Chinese ancient culture through thousand years of accumulation. Knowledge is infinite. There is no end of study on subject, scene, spirit, painting color, skill and composition. Under expert’sinstruction, the learning time and the realization process can be shortened. The calligraphy and painting are artistic works, and can help us reserve value.



Collection of calligraphies and paintings

of Hong Kong and Macao 










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