相簿名稱:這是本人這一二年時間所製作的耳環This is the time I made this two y

相簿敘述:我的創作,是使我更懂得美.在製造過程中.別人買我的耳環.這是一個最直接的鼓勵.因為有你的認同.My creation, is to make me understand the beauty. In the manufacturing process. People buy my earrings. This is one of the most direct encouragement. Because of your identity




啊美的寶貝ah Mei's beautiful baby
是玫瑰色的交叉紋金屬片,最下方及兩旁是養殖珍珠,加上奧地利水晶襯托.這是古典加上高貴的造型.但當中,帶有原住民的圖騰影子.所以叫啊美的寶貝Is the rose-colored metal cross pattern, the bottom and sides are cultured pearls, set off with Austrian crystal. This is coupled with the noble classical style. But among the aboriginal totem with a shadow. So I ah Mei's beautiful baby.
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