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2009-01-30 10:12:00

論文名稱: 台灣自然生態特有種動物創意元素分析與文化創意產業開發之研究—以金屬工藝產品開發為例
英文論文名稱:A Study on Taiwan Endemic Species Animal Creative Elements and the Cultural and Creative Industry’s Development: Take Development of Metal Craft Products as an Example
指導教授(英文姓名): Wei, Yen-Shun
學位類別: 碩士
校院名稱: 國立臺中教育大學 
系所名稱: 美術學系碩士班
學號: BAR094116
學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 217
關鍵詞: 台灣自然生態特有種 ; 生態文化 ; 創意元素 ; 文化創意產業
英文關鍵詞: Taiwan endemic Species ; Cultural Ecology ;
Creative Elements ; Cultural and Creative Industry (CCI)
被引用次數: 0
[ 摘要 ]
本研究以台灣特有種動物為研究對象,第一階段透過文獻探討進行資料整理,並結合內容分析法來分析台灣自然生態特有種動物之特徵要素。第二階段以符號學相關理論與符號學分析法,建構出「台灣生態特有種動物創意元素開發模式」提供系統化的設計過程,將台灣特有種動物外觀特徵與內涵象徵轉化成創意元素。第三階段以3D電腦繪圖工具Rhinoceros、V-Ray 將創意元素造形意象應用於金屬工藝設計產品上。第四階段以網路問卷調查法進行實作驗證,以瞭解創意元素開發模式之可行性與設計相關科系與非設計相關科系受測者對本研究開發之金屬工藝產品其造形意象認知的差異。
本研究結論如下:(1)建立台灣自然生態文化脈絡與台灣特有種動物圖像特徵要素。(2) 建構台灣生態特有種動物創意元素開發之模式。(3) 提供文化創意產品設計者多元的視點與發想創意。(4) 應用創意元素於文化創意產業之創意加值。
[ 英文摘要 ]
With the impact from change in the global environment on Taiwan’s cultural ecology, preserving Taiwan endemic species animal cultural assets and developing local cultural codes have become an urgent matter. This study was intended to discuss the cultural implications of Taiwan’s cultural ecology context, ecological aesthetics, and ecological art, by compiling the characteristic elements of Taiwan endemic species animal icons, constructing a Taiwan endemic species animal creative element model, and analyzing the model’s applications in the cultural and creative industry (CCI).
This study aimed at Taiwan’s endemic species animals. First, material was compiled through a literature review, and the characteristic elements of Taiwan’s endemic species animals were analyzed by combining with a content analysis. Secondly, semiotics related theory and semiotic analysis were adopted to construct a “Taiwan endemic species animal creative element development model” to yield a systematic design process – to transform Taiwan’s endemic species animal appearance characteristics and implication symbolism into creative elements. Thirdly, 3-D computer drawing software V-Ray for Rhino was used to apply creative element form images to metal craft design products. Finally, a Web-based questionnaire survey was conducted for verification of the implementation, to understand the creative element development model of the feasibility and the interviewees from design-related departments and non-design-related departments in terms of metal craft products its image form a cognitive difference.
From the results a conclusion was drawn. Firstly, to establish the characteristic elements of Taiwan’s endemic species animals. Secondly, the “Taiwan endemic species animal creative element development model” was constructed by this study. Thirdly, cultural creative product designers can arrive at new thinking and design methods by following the creative element development model. Lastly, successfully transform Taiwan endemic species animal icons into creative elements and apply them to the CCI accordingly.
[ 論文目次 ]
謝 誌.............................................................I
目 錄.............................................................V
表 目 錄...........................................................VII
圖 目 錄............................................................IX
第一章 緒 論.........................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機.................................................1
第二節 研究目的......................................................5
第三節 研究範圍與限制.................................................6
第四節 名詞解釋.....................................................11
第二章 文獻探討.....................................................13
第一節 台灣自然生態與台灣特有種動物現況分析.............................14
第二節 圖像與文化符號要素分析.........................................31
第三節 設計數位化與造形感性意象分析....................................54
第四節 文化創意產業應用..............................................63
第五節 國內外相關研究................................................71
第三章 研究設計與實施................................................87
第一節 研究架構.....................................................87
第二節 研究方法.....................................................89
第三節 研究對象....................................................100
第四節 研究流程....................................................103
第五節 研究工具....................................................109
第六節 資料分析....................................................116
第四章 研究分析與討論...............................................117
第一節 台灣特有種動物圖像之特徵要素分析結果............................117
第二節 創意元素造形轉化分析..........................................143
第三節 創意元素在文化創意產業上之實作設計..............................164
第四節 實作驗證結果分析.............................................175
第五章 結論與建議...................................................191
第一節 研究結論....................................................191
第二節 研究建議....................................................194
附錄一 台灣特有種、特有亞種動物名錄...................................204
附錄二 台灣自然生態特有種動物之金屬工藝設計產品問卷......................207
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