
相簿敘述:時間會改變所有的”現在”, 無論我看見或沒看見 , 無論我看到的和你看得一樣與否, “時間”這個變數都會令真實變調; 那麼, 真實為何還重要嗎? 如果我將我的幻覺當成真真正正的存在, 又有何不可? 以下我擷取幾句莎翁的時間之詩, 作為我這次展出的開場白。 Time's glory is to calm contending kings, 時間的榮耀在於:平息王侯的戰火, To unmask falsehood and bring truth to light, 扯下虛偽的面具,披露真理的光輝, To stamp the seal of time in aged things, 於老去的事物上,蓋下時間的璽印, And smear with dust their glittering golden towers; 揚起灰飛的塵埃,污抹耀目的金塔, To pluck the quills from ancient ravens' wings, 奪取古文人手中,黑羽翅的鵝毛筆, To spoil antiquities of hammer'd steel, 榮寵歷代的古蹟,精雕細琢的工藝, To make the child a man, the man a child, 讓小孩變成大人,讓大人變成小孩, To slay the tiger that doth live by slaughter, 讓殺戮為生的虎,逃不過你的殺戮, To mock the subtle in themselves beguiled, 嘲諷難解的奧秘,奧秘亦不解其意, To cheer the ploughman with increaseful crops, 鼓舞辛勤的農夫,以無止盡的收成, And waste huge stones with little water drops. 鑿穿高聳的巨石,以極微渺的水滴。




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