


大同國小 畢業。

忠孝國中 畢業。


崑山科技大學視訊傳播設計系– (就學一年)肄業。

長榮大學美術學系水墨組– 學士 。

長榮大學美術學系水墨組- 碩士。

海軍陸戰隊退伍 - 後備軍人




FACEBOOK :  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002840472479

EMAIL: horse2007tw@yahoo.com.tw


主修 美工 書法 水墨 水彩 壓克力 篆刻
專長 籃球 水墨 書法
興趣 籃球 游泳 書法 水墨 攝影 插畫 影像處理  割草


   I am Ma Yuwen, is born in an ordinary family, I am situated the eldest child in the home. I have the indissoluble bond since childhood with art, is only originally conveniently the doodle work, had not thought that can receive schoolmate and teacher's appreciation. Based on to the fine arts the deep love, lets the determination which I have insisted.


    In the Evergreen University regards the skill is in three year learning process, lets me profit infinitely. The first grade core curriculum trains, I learned the modelling principle, the artistic designing to describe, the second-grade development creativity curriculum, has learned the computer graphics, the homepage animation, the photography, the ceramic technology, the art designing and so on, third-grade level study special Shui Mo the skill and so on.


    I enter for frequently the school and the extracurricular design competition, at first is harboring the psychology which attempts, just started bitter experience many setbacks, actually does not reduce me to the design the deep love, afterward I referred frequently win a prize the work to obtain the experience respectively, comprehended the creation skill gradually, improved own flaw, obtained the appraisal gradually the affirmation.

姓名 出生年 類別 單位價格 計價單位
時間 類別 紀事
2014/08 事蹟 海軍陸戰隊 退伍日
2013/11 活動 播交 下部隊
2013/10 活動 放階段假完 泳訓5日 放結訓假
2013/10 活動 撥交 至南勝利 第二階段銜訓 專長訓 可能下基地
2013/09 活動 由民轉兵 歸零再出發 為國家奮命效忠
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