
616 Art Collective(616藝術聚場),選擇用數字的原因是數字不但是希望無國界文字,也不局限在任何年齡層,數字的延伸是無限大的,數字的藝術文化深遠弗亦,所以616 Art Collective表達著向超領域、超國界transnational的目標而努力,以及我們堅持著再生精神的力量,將組織發展成為協助人們長成、發揮創意、將為社會帶來徹底新的改變!組織的目的不是為了賺錢,而是幫助人類成長,讓他們發揮創意,貢獻其生命的泉源,使世界變的更好〞。我們也秉持著經營理念『創新Innovation』、『休閒Relaxation』『藝術 Art』及將藝術帶進生活的每個角落,創造真、善、美的人生境界!就像【藝賜原、飛主流】般追尋著藝術賜予的泉源,帶著理想飛越主流。
PS..2005年原616 Art Collective(616藝術聚場)更名616 Arts,現工作室遷移至新竹峨眉。




整體創作說明 Statement
The return of the arts in my life has reconnected its different aspects. My inspiration of art is the union of unique people and events to evolve a creative model of “common experience”. Prior to 2004, most of my work involved the perspectives of the people and their relationship to the city.  The process of this “common experience” has initiated works that motivated the main characters of the story to cherish again the essence of their lives. As in childhood when we “played house”, we all assumed different roles with sincerity and enjoyed in the game, with all of our attentions focusing on the same state of mind. In this process, all things became a media. Reorganization of experience is a polytechnic founding experience: from spatial change to visual presentation, from transformation of thoughts and elevation of spirit to introspection. At the same time one returns to the innocence. In this process of “common experience”, nothing is excluded, and money is a secondary concern. As I return to the very source of my inspiration, the experience of my creative process has been fluid. In questioning capitalism, people rethink the barter behaviors and changes taking place in society. From the life style I have created, I am passing on my life values. During 2005-2006, I traveled extensively throughout Taiwan, participating in street performances and outdoor exhibitions. At the same time, I have been learning about the idiosyncrasies in Taiwanese local culture and society. I am looking forward to an opportunity to publish “my life of a street artist”. I currently reside in the countryside of HsinChu County, Taiwan, where I hope to develop in conjunction with the rural community a “contemporary eco-artist village”. With an open invitation of residencies to artists of multiple disciplines who are fond of nature. I wish to use this opportunity to introduce a lifestyle that will reconnect people’s affinity with the land and nature.



Information about  
俞瑞玲    整體創作說明 Statement
                                                                                                                                       ~ Rebi 2009 ~
 tel:03-5806796 / 0910 200 040 / 0953 355 549
No.37-1,Shui-liu-dong,Fu-Xing Village, Emei Shiang, Hsinchu County, Taiwan ROC
E-MAIL: 616arts@gmail.com.    http:// 616arts.googlepages.com    http://Rebi555.googlepages.com
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