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2017-01-19 04:06:27

--   News Letter​ from​​​ TF Chen Cultural Center​(​​ NYC​ ​) ​--
              /  ​​​TF Chen ​Fine Art ​ ​Museum​ (Taipei)

    藝訊:陳錦芳文化館​(紐約​市) / 陳錦芳美術館​  ​​(台北市​)
               HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR 2017

               Please keep in touch.   


Hi, 恭賀雞年大展鴻圖,祝您心想事成、健康快樂。
 TF 錦芳  ▏Lucia 幸君  ▏Ted ​德立​  ▏Julie ​玉立​  敬上
畢卡索在「梵谷藝術家俱樂部」(三合一)  /  Picasso at ''Van Gogh Artist Club'' / 陳錦芳作

借此與您分享陳錦芳2016~2017年新作:「 梵谷藝術家俱樂部 」。此系列起源自陳錦芳自14歲看到梵谷畫冊之梵谷臥室到1990年舉世慶祝梵谷逝世百年錦芳被荷蘭皇家及梵谷基金會邀請到荷蘭與梵谷同步展的作品。被全世界梵谷專家前荷蘭文化部長及梵谷美術館館長赫士可博士稱錦芳為「梵谷的傳人」“reborn Van Gogh根據梵谷的事跡及作品融會貫通創新的百幅「後梵谷系列」中,最重要主軸作品是梵谷希望邀請不同畫家一起創作的夢想,以「梵谷臥室」為主題邀請24位世界美術史上的經典大師:如下圖畢卡索、馬蒂斯....等。這些人類共有的文化財產之大師作品其精華及各畫派風格在陳錦芳畫筆下,觀者可在短時間內欣賞每位大師與梵谷所互相激盪的火花,感受藝術知識之旅啟發全新視角而回味無窮。

「梵谷藝術家俱樂部」所有成員   /   陳錦芳作



舉婚於村莊之上  Wedding Above the Village    陳錦芳  版畫  125 × 99 cm (含框,價格電洽)



The juxtaposition of complementary colors “the Chagall sky with the van Gogh landscape” excites the eye. When van Gogh painted Starry Night, he was lonely and unhappy, a victim of unrequited love who, more than anything,wished for a wife and family.Chagall’s exuberant Song of Songs images present a wish fulfillment: love, mutual bless, and evelasting joy. Although it was impossible on the physical plane to grant van Gogh a portion of happiness, through the merging of his work wih the transcendent sweetness of Chagall’s, Chen bestows a subconscious blessing. In a time out of time, and a place out of place, van Gogh can enjoy love and peace.

愛超越對立  Love Above Confrontation  陳錦芳  版畫  125 × 99 cm (含框,價格電洽)


A span of four centuries of changing values in artistic tradition electrifies the air between Titian’s “Venus with a Mirror” and Picasso’s “Seated Woman.” The contemporary viewer can see the beauty in both icons, but within their worlds, each woman argues for the authenticity of the stylistic expression of her image. Locked in a moment of confrontation, the two do not comprehend that another world exists that values and cherishes both for their differences, not in spite of them. Through an open window, Chagall’s folkloric pair of lovers float high above the fray. They seem to advocate “love above confrontation,” and are enjoying the freedom that only love can offer. 

畫鳶尾花  Painting Irises  ▏  陳錦芳  版畫  125 × 99 cm (含框,價格電洽)


In the late 1980s, the van Gogh painting “Irises” was purchased at auction for the astronomical, record-breaking sum of $80 million. This was a historical event in the art market. Yet how could this come to pass?As Dr. Chen’s image reveals, the painting is unfinished! Van Gogh, dressed as an artist from Holland, is seated in a sunny Arles garden, still adding dazzling, pure strokes of color to the canvas. We do not see his face, hinting perhaps that the nature of the artist is less significant than the nature of the art.Indeed, the greatest artist of all is obscured from human vision, but with a divine hand, continues to add strokes of color to the canvas known as Earth.

Happy Mme Moitessier
幸福的墨夫人  Happy Mme. Moitessier  ▏ 陳錦芳  版畫  99 × 125 cm(含框,價格電洽)

在塞尚的靜物與高更的大溪地作品間,安格爾的『墨夫人』沈靜而神采奕奕地站立其中。她的幸福來自她自己的畫像被掛在美術館裡取悅觀眾,同時她擁有兩幅後期 印象派的傑作,如本畫所示。以時間的先後來說, 這是不可能的事情。因為那兩幅傑作是在她逝死後約半世紀才產生的。可是想像本身就可以沖破時空的限制。這種詭譎而有趣的安排以一種遊戲人間的手法反觀歷史 並顯示了『後現代』藝術天地的無限可能性。

Between Cezanne’s still life and Gauguin’s Tahitian painting, Ingres’ “Mme. Moitessier” stands confident and serene. Her source of happiness is twofold: her portrait hangs in a museum, enchanting thousands; and she owns, within this frame of reference, two postimpressionist masterpieces. In linear time, this would be impossible, since both works were produced almost half a century after her death.But the imagination does not recognize the boundaries of time and space. This intriguing arrangement playfully revises history and demonstrates the depth of possibility in the postmodernist art world.






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