
相簿敘述:三下時交換到中國,我爬了中國許多座山,我想要保存它們帶給我那強烈的震撼力,所以將它們製作成立體的作品,緊扣住它們的特點,縫製 出記憶中它們的身影。 這系列作品是由水墨所延伸出來的,山,對我的特別性不僅止於紙上 ,更多的是實際走入他們的生命去感受,所以我想把我捕捉到的感受轉換成實物,留存在我的身邊。我以強烈的符號-三角形為基底,等腰山角形撐起三個面的山,而在三個面上建構不同角度的山,並使用針線去表現皴法和一些自然氣候,使用毛線去表現樹叢。 另外,我不想要作品給大眾的既定印象停留在「掛在牆上、只能當擺飾、昂貴不可觸摸等…」,所以我將它設計成擁有另一個功用—靠枕,我希望大家能夠與我的作品有直接的接觸與互動,實質上除了是日常用品之 外,也能當成與我的記憶接觸,藉著觸摸、使用,喚起曾經到過那裏的記 憶。 The impression of this series is based on Chinese Painting. From March to June of last year, I went to China as an exchanged student. I had the opportunity to climb many mountains, where I got this motivation to keep this magnificent feeling of these beautiful natural creations. I use the 3D triangle as the prototype, as it is the best symbol to represent a mountain, to further build on with Chinese Painting skill and sewing to express the climate and bushes. On the other hand, I design it as a snuggle pillow, with the desire to let everyone, by sense of touch, to connect with my memory.

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